
Good systems are precious property

I was suddenly called by Jr. child mother. She said, “Why my son didn’t pass the examination? When he has taken part in a lesson for other class, he was said by that classes coach. My son will be able to pass the exam certainly.”
He is not long staying current grade and he was not done breast kick well thus I did judge him an unsuccessful. But his mother didn’t look like understanding.
It goes without saying that I haven’t been said like dissatisfaction from parent until promotion basement changed. It was over four years. But why I was said dissatisfaction as soon as the promotion basement changed.

I know, current promotion basement is incomprehensible for children. An old system that has a notebook was checked stamps each examination. They easy understood to make a progress although they were unsuccessful examination.
On the other hand, current promotion system doesn’t have these notebook, each coaches are only talking children for their progress after examination. Maybe, their parents aren’t transmitted progress information via their children.
Good systems are precious property as well as a person of talent.

Chinese rule

I’m really surprise Chinese behavior in this time. According to latest world news. Chinese jets scrambled into Japanese air zone at last. It never forgives this Chinese incident because Chinese action is illegal violation. In other wards their action is going to begin a war with Japan.
If their illegal action is recognized in a world, we’ll do same action to China in order to expand our territories.

At first, Japan can get an old territory of Manchuria again if we set up our air defense identification zone upon Chinese Manchuria. Okay, Japanese government please make it established upon Manchuria our ADIZ due to snatch their territory. Is this action really recognition? Please consider because it’s too easy understand.
Xi Jinping, I strongly request now. Ask Japanese certainly if you do anything resolutions. You must get Japanese permission.



How many times do I conduct a swimming examination by new promotion basement? Former pool manager who made a promotion changed had already transferred to other sports club. He had taken a rest as soon as the promotion changed therefore he doesn’t know current circumstance. I think that why he was transferred before the promotion changed!!
Current promotion basement is really bad than former one. If possible, I’d like to restore. But I know, it’s very difficult to restore a former condition again if it changed once.

I don’t want to work together employee who doesn’t know a material value. Especially, it’s terrible these employees in a management post. I told with colleague about former promotion basement every now and then. ‘Cause it was very nice system and current new promotion is really bad.
For example, there’s no situation that a one coach guides the students who exceeds 50 persons!! And a one coach guides the students not only who can’t float on water, but also who can kick with a board over 25m in the same class!! I’m really unbelievable current new promotion.


Today's the Hard medley swimming menu

Well, I consider an order today’s hard medley swimming lesson menu from morning. Today’s main order is Free mainly thus I’ll make them swum a medley pattern for pre-main order.

Up) 200m, Free 50m × 4t
       200m, Flutter kick (On Board) 100m × 2t
Pre)  450m, (1'10) Medley jog
   1) 50m(Fly),  50m(Ba),  50m(Br)
   2) 50m(Ba),   50m(Br),  50m(Fly)
   3) 50m(Br),   50m(Fly), 50m(Ba)
Easy)  50m, Loosen Free 50m × 1t
Main) 1,500m, Free 100m × 15t
Down) 100m, Free 100m × 1t

This order total distance is a 2,500m in 50minutes.
How do you think my today’s the hard medley menu?