
They are a quarrel state right now

Suddenly, my smartphone was ringing a bell. I received, “Hello, this’s Hitoshi Yamaguchi.” “Hi, Mr. Yamaguchi I’m Betty.” And she said, she wants to commit suicide. I soon ran to her apartment after hanging up a phone.
It needs over 40 minutes from my home to her apartment by a car. We talked together as soon as I arrived. I said, “What’s happen to you? Tell me please.” She said, “I’m fighting with my colleague and I’m limit of patience.”
According to her, her colleague often says nasty things therefore they are a quarrel circumstance for a while.

After this, I talked with her colleague about their quarrel. Her colleague said, “She has many problems. For example, she always returned back to home late night it’s over 2:00 a.m. and she’s often getting out home at 4:00 a.m. I always open my eyes when she returned back thus I can’t get a good sleep so long time. I’m limit of patience.”
I said them that you have to return back to China even if you can’t make a reconciliation together. They look like to agree their reconciliation.


Skin burn by a pharmaceutical liquid

In the early morning, I received phone call from technical intern trainee. She said, “My fellow suddenly took a skin burn at her face. Please look at her.” And she showed me her face by video phone. Then I really surprise because her face became red and swell. I soon went running her apartment. According to her fellow, she had covered with a pharmaceutical liquid to her face.

Her face was gradually well little and little when I arrived but I soon searched hospital as soon as I arrived and I could bring her to Tokai university hospital.
Doctor prescribed her 2 type of steroid ointment for her eyes and skin face. I can’t help wishing that her face burn become good soon.
I’ll bring her to the hospital again 2 days after. According to a doctor, “This is not serious probably, it’ll soon become well.”


Believe it or not

   Believe it or not, I will be only one member of the staff in my current main job. Actually, my main job is a technical intern trainee acceptance job. Absolutely, I’m a military martial arts master and swimming instructor but these jobs are sub right now.
About 1 year ago, my main job was swimming instructor but I wanted to work for foreigner therefore I tried to search for a job.
Current company had only 1 staff before I joined. An employee who work here only one staff said he wanted to help current job together. I soon agree his invitation and I had become an employee. But I don’t know why I was selected by him and boss by entrance interview.

   One year has already passed since I entered, my current chief who had invited me has presented his resignation to boss. He will leave here until end of next month. Now I have to remember many unknown job until last one month because I work here for only one member of the staff in this company. Now I’m really afraid about my future because I can’t have confidence in myself.


Date with Chinese technical intern trainee

I had promised few days ago with my Chinese technical intern trainee to go to somewhere together. But I’m little bit afraid because she is woman. Even if I bring her to somewhere alone, this behavior is an act of treachery for my wife. But today, I choice to make a date with her during a day. I said to my wife, “I have to go to work today.” And I wore a suit as well as usual but I actually had a casual wear. My car started to her apartment...
I asked her, “Where would you like to go today? An amusement park or beach for swimming?” she soon answered me, “I want to go to the beach because I want to swim with you.” I had selected to go to Odawara coast beach. Absolutely, I know this coast beach is not shallow to a considerable but it’s good for swimming than any other water. My car stopped near the coast parking lot and we walked to the beach together. It’s too rough wave. Miyuki beach was swimming prohibition during a day. I didn’t choice to swim in this wave. Of course, I could enter the water like this but I was anxiety her. At last, we went to the pool of near the coast.
We swam from 11:00a.m. till 3:00p.m. This pool has three swim places. One’s for baby pool, one’s for normal playing 50m pool and one’s for only swimming 50m pool. We used the swimming only 50m pool together. It goes without saying I’m swimming instructor thus she choice to go to swim with me because she wants to get my swimming instruction.
She could swim about 50m but her swimming style was not good. She could swim by a crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. She doesn’t swim by only the butterfly. I soon made a decision to instruct her breaststroke because her breast style was too bad. It looked like a frog style. Her swimming style didn’t have glide form therefore I support her to make a glide form as slowly. 1 kick, 1 stroke and 1 breath, I instructed her to make a glide form again and again…
Time was near 3:00p.m. her swimming form was gradually good little and little. She tried 1 kick, 1 stroke and 1 breath with long time glide style.
After this, we went to Karaoke box together and we sang a song between 3 hours!! She often selected Chinese popular songs but these songs were very fresh for me because I haven’t heard Chinese popular songs until this time. I could pass very enjoy time with her after a long time.
We went to a steak restaurant for our dinner when we returned back to her apartment. Then she said, “Could you please bring me again and instruct me more?” but I said, “Sorry, I won’t make a time anymore because of busy.” I have a job at every Saturday. Anyway, we spend enjoy time together very well.


Blackmail of Korea

According to news information. Japanese government has decided to pay money for Korea because of a post war compensation. But Japan had already paid a lot of money to them for a post war compensation therefore I wonder why Japan make a decision to pay again. I don’t really understand. This many payment money is our TAX so that means, it was our money!!

I think that Korean people are blackmail especially anti-Japanese people and groups. They will certainly request money Japan again even if Japan pay money them at once!! Furthermore, we will admit that we raped Korean women at WWII though Japanese didn’t do it!! Please never pay money to them because of our self-defense. Stop to pay money. I can’t help wishing so as I’m looking at TV news every time.