
They are a quarrel state right now

Suddenly, my smartphone was ringing a bell. I received, “Hello, this’s Hitoshi Yamaguchi.” “Hi, Mr. Yamaguchi I’m Betty.” And she said, she wants to commit suicide. I soon ran to her apartment after hanging up a phone.
It needs over 40 minutes from my home to her apartment by a car. We talked together as soon as I arrived. I said, “What’s happen to you? Tell me please.” She said, “I’m fighting with my colleague and I’m limit of patience.”
According to her, her colleague often says nasty things therefore they are a quarrel circumstance for a while.

After this, I talked with her colleague about their quarrel. Her colleague said, “She has many problems. For example, she always returned back to home late night it’s over 2:00 a.m. and she’s often getting out home at 4:00 a.m. I always open my eyes when she returned back thus I can’t get a good sleep so long time. I’m limit of patience.”
I said them that you have to return back to China even if you can’t make a reconciliation together. They look like to agree their reconciliation.


Skin burn by a pharmaceutical liquid

In the early morning, I received phone call from technical intern trainee. She said, “My fellow suddenly took a skin burn at her face. Please look at her.” And she showed me her face by video phone. Then I really surprise because her face became red and swell. I soon went running her apartment. According to her fellow, she had covered with a pharmaceutical liquid to her face.

Her face was gradually well little and little when I arrived but I soon searched hospital as soon as I arrived and I could bring her to Tokai university hospital.
Doctor prescribed her 2 type of steroid ointment for her eyes and skin face. I can’t help wishing that her face burn become good soon.
I’ll bring her to the hospital again 2 days after. According to a doctor, “This is not serious probably, it’ll soon become well.”