
NHK swindle money out of persons

NHK staff suddenly came to my home for contract of subscription fee payment. I soon send him away from my home because I dislike NHK.
Actually, NHK swindle money out of persons. I know that they cheated Vietnamese technical interns for taking an illegal contract of subscription fee payment. However, the NHK doesn’t ask for Chinese technical inters...
Do you know why? NHK receives the capital of the large amount from China. They discriminate against a person clearly.

At first, technical interns live in Japan several days yet they don’t speak Japanese yet too and they don’t have a TV. But NHK could make them covenant compulsorily. I contact with NHK as soon as I knew fact of contract.
NHK never approve this illegal contract. Absolutely I soon make a protest and I requested cancellation but they refused with sweet words. I was really angry for their method. This is a crime.
I soon instruct technical interns to cancellation their bank account because NHK subscription fee payment is withdrawal from bank account. I told NHK about their bank account cancellation then NHK said to me, “Is that your method?”
NHK method is a crime but my instruction is only defense!!

They are asking citizens, “A subscription fee payment is impartiality therefore we demand all.” I don’t understand NHK of this comment. And I really don’t pay for them forever. If they want to make me got a contract, explain and apologize this illegal fact of contract on TV news.