
Crazy AMNESTY International

Crazy AMNESTY International announces on their web site, “Japan executions show ‘chilling’ escalation in death penalty use.” What do they want to say??? These Japanese executions are extremely natural. I’ve got the feeling that do they make an attack to Japanese government of Abe political? No. if anything, they make an attack Japan and any Japanese because executions are supported by a large majority of us!!

I can criticize AMNESTY International if they make an attack us by their insensitive comments on a web site. To begin with, it goes without saying the condemned criminal doesn’t have personal rights but they say only about personal rights. This opinion is really crazy for our opinion. We think, humans life is the most important and precious valuable than anything. The condemned criminals have taken victim’s life by force. We never forgive them and they only make amends for their life.


2013 Matsubara shrine festival

Festival of final entrance order list is here!!
According to the information, Matsubara festival of final entrance ceremony will start from 6:30pm 5-May-2013 at front of Matsubara shrine. Top order is Matsubara formal portable shrine, after this 28 portable shrines follow into the final entrance order.


Communist Party of China

For example, Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Communist Party of China doesn’t visit your family grave forever. If you will be a gravedigger, I’ll make a complaint to you during you stay current post!! And I’ll announce to world via an internet your bad behavior.

He and Communist Party of China said Mr.Abe Japanese prime minister, “Don’t visit to Yasukuni shrine.” They don’t understand Japanese assertion that their claim is interference in the domestic affairs!! Therefore I guess, Japanese should have to interfere in the domestic affairs to them.
I strongly request to Xi Jinping. Listen to me, never visit your family grave during you are General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.


Chongryon Yun Fanam

I dislike Teri Ito. (Chongryon name is Yun Fanam.) He said on his TV program when Mr.Abe just came to be Japanese prime minister.

“I’m afraid about Mr.Abe. He had quitted a prime minister ago because of failure his policy… his illness was faked.” and he add, “Don’t make a harbor at Senkaku island. Japan should have to consider how to make a friendship with China and Korea.”

I can’t believe these his comment on TV. Absolutely I don’t have a look at TV therefore I knew this information from an internet. Chongryon Teri Ito of Yun Fanam said on TV, Mr.Abe Prime Minister’s illness was faked!! Teri, who are you? Are you great man than Japanese prime minister??? Are you doctor for Mr.Abe prime minister???
I formally said to Yun Fanam, please get out from Japanese broadcasting and form Japan as fast as possible. I wonder why Japanese TV company has taken this crazy commentator on the broadcasting? I’m always feeling a pain my heart when I see him in a TV program. Please make him resigned if possible.



At last, Boeing Co’s 787 dreamliner planes will be approved to fly in a sky due to recover the problem of battery system. This is very big news for Japan. Not only Japanese airlines company have had many 787 dreamliner planes, but also these high-tech planes are made by many Japanese company’s parts!!

On the other hand, Boeing Co has lost many orders from Japan probably. Japanese airlines company have made a decision to buy other planes from Airbus Co, due to avoidable risk of trouble. It’s not able to service if it would use only same Boeing’s plane. It means that Boeing Co had paid high compensation.

Matsubara shrine festival

It’ll soon take place very famous festival in Odawara city between 3,4,5-May. If you are willing, Let’s come in our festival please!!

Built in castle

(ODAWARA castle)

I often ask to my Jr. swimming children where is their primary school. They answered me each name of primary school. But they answered me that it’s always same answer by my certain question.
Jr.: “Coach! Where primary school did you graduate?”
Me: “Do u know JYOUNAI primary school?”
Jr.: “We don’t know…”

(JYOUNAI primary school)
The primary school that was built in the Odawara castle once doesn’t have now. Japanese JYOU-NAI means, “Inside the castle”. To sum up, JYOUNAI primary school were built inside the castle. This is a very infrequent in Japan but government had decided to destroy. This infrequent school didn’t rebuild a school building although the building became too old for use because it was built in the ruins of a castle. But don’t worry, JYOUNAI primary school is living in many graduation people mind.


Crazy former diplomat

Ukeru-Magosaki who was a former diplomat said, “Senkaku islands are not Japanese. The Potsdam declaration had declared, Japan’s islands are only Hokkaido, Honsyu (Main land), Shikoku and Kyusyu regions therefore Senkaku islands are not Japanese.”

I would like to teach him, Senkaku islands are included Okinawa islands therefore these islands are Japanese when Okinawa returned back to Japan from U.S. Was he really former diplomat? He is not ignorance because he doesn’t know Senkaku islands are Okinawa islands!!
Ukeru-Magosaki, please don’t say anything about history of Japanese. You are not diplomat already right now!! Get out from main stage.

Ohayashi training

Next week, we have to wear a performance costume in our Ohayashi (Drum) training because we show new appearance who will take part in a festival first time. According to region’s government, some of parents take part in a festival at first time thus we’re said to show them Ohayashi (Drum) performance before formal festival!!
Next week training is 21-April at a ward 21 public office between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.


Pass through

I was suddenly said by an executive director a few days ago. He said, “How is your swimming lesson? Actually, there’re some complaints from appearance member.” And he added, “The claimant said that she was glared by other appearance member when she attended your swimming lesson. Why must it glare at her?” Me: “……”
First of all, why was I said by an executive director directly? Generally, I should have to been said from my pool charge boss who was said by an executive director. This is normal order but I was said directly passed through my boss.
Next, these types of complaint are unfounded accusation. Of course, a coach is irresponsible. I didn’t know why I have to apologize!? I have dissatisfaction.



I make it a rule to remove my making VBA excel summary program for a pool summary job. Unfortunately, they really don’t comprehend a valuable of this program.

(C++ source code was made by me.)

Although they look like busy as they are using a computer and I often see their screen, some of summary jobs are calculated by them. I think, these many summary jobs will be able to complete faster and faster. And it’s more easily!! If they were few clever than now, they might request me to make a program. Absolutely, I’ll do it for them and it’s really inexpensive method rather than any other way. Unfortunately, they haven’t got the concept of these valuable!!


Old time

I remember very old time that I went to Kodaira city, Tokyo every day for working before I’m becoming current swimming coach. At 15-April-2013, it was too good weather condition and I visited to there for only walking after a long long time. I’ve walked between Shin-Kodaira station and Hana-Koganei station.

Anything doesn’t change when I visited although it’s past over five years!! Then it’s too good weather but I had always been to there even if weather condition was very bad day. Those old days remember were returned when I have walked there…



Matsubara shrine festival will be soon at 3, 4, 5-May. There’re many portable shrines (Mikoshi) and many float (Dashi) parade during festival.
This festival is the most biggest festival in Odawara city. There’re over 28 portable shrines and over 4 formal floats around central Odawara city. Especially 5-May, all portable shrines under the protection of the Matsubara shrine will gather to front of shrine because the God will return back to home of shrine from portable shrines!! This final festival performance is all Mikoshis are full speed dash into shrine. It’s really dynamic and powerful.

Of course, I’ll attend it as I’ll ride on my region’s float for playing drum (Ohayashi) performance.

Primary school

Hello everyone, what’s up? This’s nothing much!!

So, I found a very old photo of our primary school picture. As you know this our primary school has already closed down thus this school building was also destroyed for a long time ago.

An Odawara city municipal of Jyonai primary school was built in the ruins of an Odawara castle. I also graduated this school. So, I’d like to take part in our alumni association again sometime.



I strongly oppose to bring the earthquake disaster debris to Hakone town, Kanagawa prefecture. Don’t distribute disaster debris!! This Hakone government of receiving plan is meaningless. I doubt that a mayor will receive bribes from disaster region, won’t him?
Anyway, disaster debris distribution abandonments are really meaningless for a solution. Please, Nobuo Yamaguchi Hakone town’s mayor should have to withdraw his planning soon.


Irritation for her

I’m really angry for one of my work place employee. She suddenly said to me, “Don’t forget to call a substitution attendance child. How many times have you forgotten a roll call?”

Actually there’re many troubles in our Jr. swimming school after starting new system at April-2013. Absolutely, these troubles are expected before starting but foolish company has started by force. Not only lots of little children are in doubt, but also lots of Jr. swimming coaches are in doubt about under the new promotion basement. Originally, each coach doesn’t call the roll when the lesson starts but coach doesn’t find each class of children because class emblem changed from easy animation picture to alphabetic character. Therefore we should have to call the roll as we see class children list paper. But substitution attendance children name are not written in this list. Some of coaches often forget to call the roll these special children every now and then. But I was said by her, “How many times…” This bad new system is started few days ago thus I can’t often forget to call!!

It goes without saying this new system of Jr. swimming promotion is a change for the worse. I think, many hide troubles are there in this system more. I’m really afraid.


VBA macro programming

I was instructed to make the monthly swimming lessons summary report by company from this month. This report are written all clubs swimming lessons data from Jr lessons, Adult lessons and Aquabics so on.
It’s very troublesome this process summary job therefore I make a decision to make an Excel VBA program for this summary. This job’s predecessor said, it needs over one or two hours every month for this summary job.
By this Excel macro program, I can make this report about within 10 minutes every month!! Currently, programming has already finished and debug process also has finished :)

Swimming coach

I can’t walk normally by my sole of foot pain due to fingers getting swollen. I was said by doctor that this is not an athlete’s foot it’s only swollen by water due to entering a pool very long time every day.

Listen to me please I’ve entered a pool between 8:00am and 7:30pm except rest time for taking a lunch only an hour therefore I was in water about over 10 hours!!
At first, I tried pool open job as I entered water from 8:00am till 8:40am, next was one of Jr swimming lesson from 8:50am till 10:00am. Next, there’re two Adult swimming lessons from 10:30am till 1:00pm. Next lessons were 3 Jr swimming lessons between 2:00pm and 7:00pm. At last, it was pool guard job from 7:00pm till 7:30pm.
I was really tired!!