
What is a professional?

Last night, my club manager said in an assembly at the end of the day. “We’re professional therefore we have to prepare a job plan before starting job. It’s so regret that some of staffs haven’t knew how to use new machines."
It’s natural to say our manager’s this talking but this has a problem actually.

Our club had changed all muscle building machines. And all staffs had been requested training for these new machines before starting job. This company’s request suddenly announced to staffs before summer holidays. “All staffs attend new machine training at holiday.” What do you think? I think that this company’s instructions have two problems.

1) I had already a reservation the day of training when this request announced. Because their instruction was just before the holidays start.

2) The company’s request was during a holidays. Why must we attend a job during our holidays?

I think that a professional is not a volunteer.


Oliver Stone said crazy comment in Japan

William Oliver Stone whose American film director said, Japan should have to apologize China about many Japanese had killed Chinese. China will change a way of looking at Japan even if Japan apologizes.

Japan had already completed to enter into a treaty with China. For instance, Japanese emperor had visited to China in order to apology after The Tiananmen Square incident had broken out. I wonder why China had forgotten about it. Japan has apologized more than needed to China. And furthermore, Japan has supported to China by huge money and lots of technical supports so on.
Maybe, Oliver Stone doesn’t know these Japanese behaviors to China. Why he said these rashness comments in Japan? I can’t believe him. I want him to withdraw these rashness comments immediately.


AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA!!

Today, I went to AUTOBACS car shop in order to change engine oil for my car. I waited a long time for my order. When it came to my order, as soon as I called and they said, “Your car is not able to change engine oil because your car of left tire is illegal.”
Me: “…??? ...left tire... =)”

(This car rejected by illegal tire)

To begin with, this car is not change anything since when I bought a new car from TOYOTA automobile dealer!! Of course I also haven't touched car tires!!
Next, I always changed engine oil for this car at this AUTOBACS shop. Why they reject now? And this car has passed an automobile inspection again and again.
I think, AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA Co, at last.
It goes without saying that I went to normal petrol station for changing engine oil after this. I never go to AUTOBACS at the future!!


Government promise

I strongly support to remove an Odawara Sakawa river firework festival. To begin with, there’s nothing Sakawa river firework festival. Odawara had only taken place firework festival at Miyukigahama every year before it takes place Sakawa firework. But Miyukigahama beach had eroded a sandy beach by the wave. Odawara city government had made a decision to construct for stopping erosion a sandy beach.

(Miyuki beach firework festival)

Odawara government announced that the famous firework festival at Miyukigahama had been transferred to a Sakawa river until end of construction. Then city government said that this is a short time transference therefore this festival will return after construction completion. After over 20 years passed, Sakawa river firework festival doesn’t return back to Miyukigahama yet. Absolutely, it already finished the beach construction old times!!
I strongly ask to Odawara city government. Stop the Sakawa river firework festival as fast as possible and return back to Miyukigahama firework festival as promised.