
AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA!!

Today, I went to AUTOBACS car shop in order to change engine oil for my car. I waited a long time for my order. When it came to my order, as soon as I called and they said, “Your car is not able to change engine oil because your car of left tire is illegal.”
Me: “…??? ...left tire... =)”

(This car rejected by illegal tire)

To begin with, this car is not change anything since when I bought a new car from TOYOTA automobile dealer!! Of course I also haven't touched car tires!!
Next, I always changed engine oil for this car at this AUTOBACS shop. Why they reject now? And this car has passed an automobile inspection again and again.
I think, AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA Co, at last.
It goes without saying that I went to normal petrol station for changing engine oil after this. I never go to AUTOBACS at the future!!

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