
Is his correspondence normally?

My sweatshop company doesn’t give me paid vacation although I request to want. I don’t know why but they give it to formal employees because keep a labor standard act. I’m not formal employee however I’m working for more than eight hours a day. My regular day offs are 2 times in a week.

1) 21 days 152.3 hours, (Year of 2012) in a month average.
2) 21 days 159.1 hours, (Year of 2013) in a month average.
3) 21 days 164.2 hours, (Year of 2014) in a month average.

I’m working here since 6 years and a half ago after computer system engineer resignation but I’m not formal employee and they don’t make me released from work when my relative had passed away. I requested to a company manager that I have to take part in the vigil of my relative but he said, “Please find your proxy when you pull up work early.” Then I gave up leave early work and I didn’t take part in the vigil and farewell party at that time. However, formal employees not only get a day off easily but also pull up work early easily.
Is his correspondence normally? I don't request a day off many time. Of course, I'm no late arrives nor absence!!

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