
Crazy Media bias

According to Mainichi newspaper, Japan exacerbates tensions with Japan’s neighbors by the Prime Minister visited to Yasukuni Shrine. Especially it’s difficult to keep a relationship with China…
Can I ask you a question Mainichi newspaper? Why Chinese illegal many actions don’t break a relationship but Japanese prime minister’s normal action will only break a relationship?
Mainichi newspaper and many Japanese mass media broadcast these crazy sources every now and then.

Have Mainichi newspaper and other mass media broadcasted Chinese illegal actions as well as the Prime Minister’s taking a beating on a large scale? To begin with, Japanese haven’t already got a relationship with China since they attacked many times to us. I think, all problems are caused by Chinese actions.
Stop a report of crazy news source Mainichi newspaper and Japanese mass media because your news source is a media bias certainly. If these media pick up Chinese and Korean many bad actions impartiality, Japanese would put trust in the broadcasting.



   Listen to me, our company’s employees often went to H.Q. for meeting and business training. Absolutely, they have stayed far of H.Q. between one week and or more. It needs many transportation expenses and hotel charges. Furthermore, we are to perform work for one week in which they have been to. Above all, some employees go to H.Q. per month for taking part in a meeting.
   I was a computer software engineer during 20 years before I’m working current swimming coach. Then we used online meeting every weekly because all attendances are very far thus it’s difficult to gather per week.

So, I wonder why current company doesn’t use online meeting system. Maybe, it’s very cheap than payment of airplane transportation expenses and their hotel charges.
   On the other hand, a company often makes a decision to cut the number of staffs for a budgetary cost down. By this policy, we can’t take a rest work easily. Especially, fulltime workers are difficult to get a day off due to nothing substitution members.
For example, I’ll have to work if I have high fever by cold or I won’t take part in my relation’s funeral due to nothing substitution members!!
   I think that management post worker should have to know a state of scene. Because their choice doesn’t always good select for the company.


Against state-secrets law protesters

Crazy Against state-secrets law protesters only attack Japanese government. I wonder why they haven’t protested Chinese invasion actions.
As you know, China had invaded Japanese territory of Senkaku islands. For example, they have come to Senkaku islands by more than 100 ships. Their boat made a collision Japanese maritime coast guard ship. They suddenly invaded their ADIZ to Japanese territory so on.
Why crazy against state-secrets law protesters haven’t protested these Chinese actions? Why? 

(Japanese doesn't understand this style.)
I’d like to tell this reason. Why anti-Abe cabinet members only attack Japanese government? It’s obvious that China is bad but they never do a protest to China once. Why?
Do a demonstration front of Chinese embassy as well as crazy against state-secrets law demonstration!! Why they never do it? Because,
I think that they are not Japanese probably. Therefore they only attack Japanese government.
We have to protect our country by Chinese and Korean. They are a camouflage Japanese!! We will have to not only fight with these camouflage Japanese but also beware to be deceived by them.


Good systems are precious property

I was suddenly called by Jr. child mother. She said, “Why my son didn’t pass the examination? When he has taken part in a lesson for other class, he was said by that classes coach. My son will be able to pass the exam certainly.”
He is not long staying current grade and he was not done breast kick well thus I did judge him an unsuccessful. But his mother didn’t look like understanding.
It goes without saying that I haven’t been said like dissatisfaction from parent until promotion basement changed. It was over four years. But why I was said dissatisfaction as soon as the promotion basement changed.

I know, current promotion basement is incomprehensible for children. An old system that has a notebook was checked stamps each examination. They easy understood to make a progress although they were unsuccessful examination.
On the other hand, current promotion system doesn’t have these notebook, each coaches are only talking children for their progress after examination. Maybe, their parents aren’t transmitted progress information via their children.
Good systems are precious property as well as a person of talent.

Chinese rule

I’m really surprise Chinese behavior in this time. According to latest world news. Chinese jets scrambled into Japanese air zone at last. It never forgives this Chinese incident because Chinese action is illegal violation. In other wards their action is going to begin a war with Japan.
If their illegal action is recognized in a world, we’ll do same action to China in order to expand our territories.

At first, Japan can get an old territory of Manchuria again if we set up our air defense identification zone upon Chinese Manchuria. Okay, Japanese government please make it established upon Manchuria our ADIZ due to snatch their territory. Is this action really recognition? Please consider because it’s too easy understand.
Xi Jinping, I strongly request now. Ask Japanese certainly if you do anything resolutions. You must get Japanese permission.



How many times do I conduct a swimming examination by new promotion basement? Former pool manager who made a promotion changed had already transferred to other sports club. He had taken a rest as soon as the promotion changed therefore he doesn’t know current circumstance. I think that why he was transferred before the promotion changed!!
Current promotion basement is really bad than former one. If possible, I’d like to restore. But I know, it’s very difficult to restore a former condition again if it changed once.

I don’t want to work together employee who doesn’t know a material value. Especially, it’s terrible these employees in a management post. I told with colleague about former promotion basement every now and then. ‘Cause it was very nice system and current new promotion is really bad.
For example, there’s no situation that a one coach guides the students who exceeds 50 persons!! And a one coach guides the students not only who can’t float on water, but also who can kick with a board over 25m in the same class!! I’m really unbelievable current new promotion.


Today's the Hard medley swimming menu

Well, I consider an order today’s hard medley swimming lesson menu from morning. Today’s main order is Free mainly thus I’ll make them swum a medley pattern for pre-main order.

Up) 200m, Free 50m × 4t
       200m, Flutter kick (On Board) 100m × 2t
Pre)  450m, (1'10) Medley jog
   1) 50m(Fly),  50m(Ba),  50m(Br)
   2) 50m(Ba),   50m(Br),  50m(Fly)
   3) 50m(Br),   50m(Fly), 50m(Ba)
Easy)  50m, Loosen Free 50m × 1t
Main) 1,500m, Free 100m × 15t
Down) 100m, Free 100m × 1t

This order total distance is a 2,500m in 50minutes.
How do you think my today’s the hard medley menu?


Most ugly country in a world.

It goes without saying Takeshima island (Liancourt Rocks), Senkaku islands and the northern territories are all Japanese. Any countries which asserts domain is a country of a continent continuation. Japan is only island country. And it’s very important that all countries which request assertion domain these islands had lost a war with Japan once. These are Russia, China and Korea.

(Takeshima island)
Especially Korea was removed their country in a world once. Korean had steal Japanese island when Japan had lost a war with U.S. at WWII. Koreans looks like uglier than any other country in a world. Currently, they request other Japanese territories as well as China. They request Tsushima islands also Koreans as well as Okinawa main islands are Chinese. I don’t believe these ugly countries are near our country. The island for an island country is a lifeline!! Japan should have to keep and defense these precious islands by ugly countries. This is most important things for us.

What is a leadership?

When I was a working at gym section after pool open job and water guard, then a Manager suddenly came to gym section and he soon asked a certain woman staff about member complaint.
According to a woman staff, she gave advice to a woman who has wear Crocs shoes to change shoes when she use the gym machine. This giving advice to member was no problem and correct behavior for a gym staff. But this woman who was given advice got angry for staff’s advice. She stopped training and she leave as soon as she got angry. And she has complained to our manager about woman staff.

Well, our job often occur members complaint for a staff every now and then. Top post of manager should make an apology for members on all such occasions and support trouble staffs. However, our manager looked like a getting angry for a trouble staff woman. He asked persistent her state of affairs again and again. A woman staff was greatly annoyed by not only bad behavior member of woman but also the manager complaint.
I guess that truly management post worker should have to appreciate this woman staff’s behavior to member originally. Of course, manager must make an apology for member who was angered by staff. And he must give comfort to a staff after this but he angered a staff as well as anger member.
After this, I never acknowledge him for top of manager and I hope that he should have to learn about leadership more and more.


What is a professional?

Last night, my club manager said in an assembly at the end of the day. “We’re professional therefore we have to prepare a job plan before starting job. It’s so regret that some of staffs haven’t knew how to use new machines."
It’s natural to say our manager’s this talking but this has a problem actually.

Our club had changed all muscle building machines. And all staffs had been requested training for these new machines before starting job. This company’s request suddenly announced to staffs before summer holidays. “All staffs attend new machine training at holiday.” What do you think? I think that this company’s instructions have two problems.

1) I had already a reservation the day of training when this request announced. Because their instruction was just before the holidays start.

2) The company’s request was during a holidays. Why must we attend a job during our holidays?

I think that a professional is not a volunteer.


Oliver Stone said crazy comment in Japan

William Oliver Stone whose American film director said, Japan should have to apologize China about many Japanese had killed Chinese. China will change a way of looking at Japan even if Japan apologizes.

Japan had already completed to enter into a treaty with China. For instance, Japanese emperor had visited to China in order to apology after The Tiananmen Square incident had broken out. I wonder why China had forgotten about it. Japan has apologized more than needed to China. And furthermore, Japan has supported to China by huge money and lots of technical supports so on.
Maybe, Oliver Stone doesn’t know these Japanese behaviors to China. Why he said these rashness comments in Japan? I can’t believe him. I want him to withdraw these rashness comments immediately.


AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA!!

Today, I went to AUTOBACS car shop in order to change engine oil for my car. I waited a long time for my order. When it came to my order, as soon as I called and they said, “Your car is not able to change engine oil because your car of left tire is illegal.”
Me: “…??? ...left tire... =)”

(This car rejected by illegal tire)

To begin with, this car is not change anything since when I bought a new car from TOYOTA automobile dealer!! Of course I also haven't touched car tires!!
Next, I always changed engine oil for this car at this AUTOBACS shop. Why they reject now? And this car has passed an automobile inspection again and again.
I think, AUTOBACS starts the quarrel with TOYOTA Co, at last.
It goes without saying that I went to normal petrol station for changing engine oil after this. I never go to AUTOBACS at the future!!


Government promise

I strongly support to remove an Odawara Sakawa river firework festival. To begin with, there’s nothing Sakawa river firework festival. Odawara had only taken place firework festival at Miyukigahama every year before it takes place Sakawa firework. But Miyukigahama beach had eroded a sandy beach by the wave. Odawara city government had made a decision to construct for stopping erosion a sandy beach.

(Miyuki beach firework festival)

Odawara government announced that the famous firework festival at Miyukigahama had been transferred to a Sakawa river until end of construction. Then city government said that this is a short time transference therefore this festival will return after construction completion. After over 20 years passed, Sakawa river firework festival doesn’t return back to Miyukigahama yet. Absolutely, it already finished the beach construction old times!!
I strongly ask to Odawara city government. Stop the Sakawa river firework festival as fast as possible and return back to Miyukigahama firework festival as promised.


Why we can't ride on a bicycle?

I often ride on a bicycle when I drink an alcohol because we can’t drive a car when we’re drinking.
But now, new rules make a decision ban of drinking riding on a bicycle. I strong oppose this new rule!! I think this is only tightening of regulations. Who is making a decision this crazy rule???

It’s just summer season now. There’re lots of fire work festivals and an enjoying barbecue so on. Many people drink an alcohol in this season and they can’t drive a car when they’re drinking. It goes without saying that they choice the transportation system for using a bicycle about these situations include me!! I understand we never drive a car when we drink but I really don’t understand why don’t ride on a bicycle when we drink?


Odawara seaside beaches

When I went to Odawara seaside of Sodegahama (袖ヶ浜) and Miyukigahama beach (御幸が浜) in order to swim and free dive. So, I often write about Odawara seaside beach on twitter when I went to there in this summer season.

To tell the truth, I love these beaches because it’s soon deeply from edge of water therefore there’re no people to swim in this beach although it's just middle of summer season!! Absolutely, there’s a sea bathing place only one at middle of Miyukigahama beach during summer season. But this sea bathing is also soon deeply from the water’s edge too. Thus this place isn’t popular beach.

Do you know why I love this place like this? ‘Cause it’s too easy swim very well due to deeply and no one comes to offshore even if many people come to beach side. Absolutely, I like southern beautiful beach at Guam, Saipan and Hawaii so on. But these beaches are generally shallow to considerable for safety life. I dislike shallow beaches.
I recommend that Odawara seaside beaches for swimming. It’s too comfortable than other swim places.

Tanzawa lake

Today’s lake water level is low position. If it continues to shrink a water level, our region will decide to economize in water consumption.
Tanzawa lake is a Yamakita town, Kanagawa-pref in Japan at 16-Jul-2013. As you know, this is a man-made lake for keeping water. This water was controlled by Miho-Dam which hasn’t opened the door of dam drainage so long time in this season because of insufficient rain.

By the way, some of old towns sunk in this man-made lake which is called by Tanzawa-lake. Every now and then, a part of sunken town often express on the water surface, when the water level is remarkable down. I went to this lake again for looking the water surface.

(It can’t confirm anything.)

Please look at these pictures. I’m afraid that the water is not clear thus I can’t confirm the roof of old buildings in the water surface. When I asked some of worker this place, “The water level is low just now. Can I see some of old sunken towns in the surface?” He answered me, “It needs more shrinking the water if it looks.”

In this season, I might be able to confirm the sunken towns in the water surface probably if it continues to dry. But I hope for many rain in order to keep precious abundance life water!!


Caught a cold

In this summer season, I’ve caught a cold and I have a little bit fever from morning about 98.6 F (37.0 C). I don’t know why was I infected a cold like this hot season? Absolutely, I went to a doctor soon. Doctor said as he has a look at my pain throat, “You caught a cold.”
I soon called my working place about my bad condition. But company’s manager said. “Don’t take a day off today. There’re no staffs during morning.” At last, I’ve worked from 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. 4-Jul (Thu)…

(These’re my drugs from doctor)

Today’s morning 5-Jul (Fri), my condition was really bad than yesterday. I soon checked my fever. It’s 99.1 F (37.3 C) at morning!! I soon called my working place in order to report about current my circumstance. But management employee said to me, “Please don’t take a day off today. There’s nobody your swimming lesson substitution today.” At last, I’ve worked from 10:30a.m. until 1:00p.m. It’s about two Adult swimming lesson instructions although I have a little bit fever!!


The town sank to bottom of a lake

There were some of towns had sunken to bottom of a Tanzawa lake. This lake is a man-made lake by making a Miho-Dam for keeping water. Above all, Miho town which had already sunken in a lake was a central town of this region. Allegedly old Miho-Dam information, it often looks these old sank town on and off if it water level down by insufficient rains water.

In this year, there’s no rain now although it’s rainy season in Japan. I often visit to Tanzawa lake in order to want to see these sank towns. Now, it can see a roof of old buildings the surface of a lake especially front of Miho post office. Absolutely, these roof of sank buildings are decayed thus it’s difficult to judge it’s really some of buildings roof, isn’t it? But these places water surface are change of color brown. I’ve got the feeling it’s really mysterious.



Do you know why human has come to be depression so easily? There’re many suicide people in our country and it’s a seriously trouble.
When I was a computer software engineer during 20 years, then I saw many workers who didn’t return to home every day and they worked from morning till night. Their sleeping time average was about two or three hours every day!! It’s true and many workers who didn’t take a sleep were an almost slight depression.

Then I found, human is easy to be depression because it doesn’t make them slept every day. Maybe it needs five or six month to continue this loss of sleep state, then several people will become seriously depression. If it continues this state more and more, then some of seriously depression people will choice a suicide.
Of course, cause of suicide is not only this reason. But seriously depression really concerns about human’s sleeping time.
It’s very important sleeping time for humans.


My working colleague and I were tried swimming and cycling training at 29-Jun-2013 together. In the morning, we went to Odawara seashore (Miyuki beach) at first.
Absolutely, there’s no person who was entering in a sea at that time but we soon entered the sea for swimming!!
I was going to offshore about 200m or 300m from an edge of water. It’s too comfortable!!

(Miyuki beach)
After one hour, we soon rode on a bicycle in order to go to mount of the Ichiya ruins castle from Miyuki beach.
It’s very up slope this road. My colleague’s bicycle didn’t change the gear by glitch thus he couldn’t ride on a bicycle during up slope until the top of the castle. Of course, I did ride on a cycle until the top.
We did return back to central Odawara city from the ruins of a castle Ichiya and we’ve taken a lunch few minutes.

(Ichiya ruins castle)

My colleague pushed a bicycle

After the lunch time, we’ve gone to Odawara seashore (Miyuki beach) again in order to swim in a sea.
We’ve swum again during one hour in an offshore. I tried to swim the crawl during enter a water.
These total time was about four or five hours at 29-Jun-2013.
My colleague had worked after this and I had instructed my martial art training also after this!!


The worse rule

Come to think of it, former cabinet of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) had made a decision that foreigner can admit Japanese national health insurance and they will get money from Japan if they have become illness. This changing for the worse rule was approved by DPJ of Yoko-Komiyama who was former ministry of welfare. And this payment Japanese money is from our tax mainly, According to news information. Allegedly, illness foreign person who has admitted Japanese national health insurance can get money from Japan as long as they go to their country’s hospital between 5 years maximum after admission!!

When I heard this information, I was really unbelievable. Why our tax money will use these unrelated people? I’d like to explain by DPJ or Yoko-Komiyama former ministry. I guess, don’t use our tax to unrelated people anymore. If it continues, I recommend to evasion of taxes to all Japanese company presidents. Now I really think so.
Not only DPJ has abandoned some of important bills at the House of Councilors, but also this unbelievable worse rule had approved when DPJ was a political power.
I want the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to repairer these changing for the worse rule by DPJ after winning the election of the House of Councilors!!


Shocking morning!!

I really really surprise today’s morning news of TBS “Asa-Zuba” Commentator is a Monta-Mino. He said in this TV program, some of very important bills didn’t pass due to bad current political. It goes without saying current Japanese political is an Abe cabinet.
I knew that these very important bills didn’t pass by a party out of power in the House of Councilors. Of course, many Japanese citizens have known same reason. But this TV program of Asa-Zuba broadcasted that it’s cause by Abe political.

I really don’t understand. Please Monta-Mino and TBS Co., explain to me. Why this problem is caused by current Abe cabinet? It’s clear that this problem is caused by a party out of power!!
Monta-Mino and TBS, your comments are same that the side teased is worse than the side to tease. When I first heard TBS news information, I did really become sadness in today’s morning!!
Maybe, I never forget today’s shocking occurrence in this morning. Monta-Mino and TBS Co., I’m really unbelievable yours and I’ll announce to all of my acquaintance today's bad TBS behavior forever!!



News always said, “Abe prime minister, listen to me. You have to look at those who are in trouble by LOW YEN rate. Especially it’s farmer and stock raiser so on.”
But I think, these comment is a really fool because I know that they had always approved this trouble by LOW YEN rate!!
I remember, many TV commentators and news casters had approved of a plan that the policy depending on import of these products!!
Now, their TV commentators and news casters are broadcasting this contradiction on a TV.

Why does mass media forget these behaviors?
No, mass media is making a control the public opinion like that.
To begin with, it goes without saying that current YEN rate does NOT low level. I guess, truth of low level is under the 200JPY or more!!
Crazy mass media, especially TBS, ASAHI newspaper, don’t use the famer and stock raiser for your crazy editorial.
I know, these products had already approved the risk of LOW YEN rate.


Global standard

Do you know, what is a global standard?
Global standards are …
The patriot propaganda, patriotism of a national flag and strong self-defense force so on. I think, Japan is not global standard because there’re many crazy unti-patriotism people in this country. I didn’t sing a national anthem until I visited to foreign country but now I sing it certainly when I sing a national anthem. It’s too important to understand a global standard!!

Japanese mass media (include mass communications) listen to me, you’re NOT global standard. Why you can’t love the nation?
For example, all Japanese make them resigned from school teacher who don’t sing a national anthem at graduation ceremony!!
I’d like to know these crazy teachers name because I want to say them what is a global standard.
Mass media!! Why you always criticize our prime minister? I know that you are NOT Japanese. If possible, all Japanese make them gotten out from Japan as fast as possible.
It’s very important to know, what is a truth of the global standard?

Top winner is my pupil

My wife went to my martial art training class in order to discussion with my pupils parents. I can’t go to training my class due to bad condition thus I soon call to an acting master when I returned back to home from work that I can’t attend today. He soon understood and he instructs my pupils instead of me.

(My pupils had appeared on a newspaper)
Actually, my pupils had won a top superior prize at prefecture’s tournament. By this reward, they will be able to take part in a world tournament in this summer. Of course, they make it a rule to take part in this tournament thus I’ll have to lead them at that time. Fortunately, world tournament will take place in Japan this year!! My wife discuss with their parents for a trip planning today. I can’t help wishing to pass my pupils also the world tournament!!



My wife brought me a paper that was written rule of bicycle. I really surprise this paper because don’t drink an alcohol when we ride on a bicycle!! Do you know this rule?
Actually, I can’t drive a car when I drink an alcohol therefore I’m always using a bicycle when I drink. Of course, I thought that it’s no problem. But new rules that drinking drive a bicycle will be arrested by police!!
Is this joke??? It’s a bicycle, innit!?

I’m often drinking a beer as I’m riding on a bicycle when I go to see a firework festival at summer time so on. But I won’t do it after this!!
Haaaa….!! I can’t believe this rule if it true.

First time in this year

At 17-Jul-2013, I entered in a sea for swimming between 11:30am and 1:30pm about two hours. It goes without saying this time was first experience to swim into the sea in this year!!
In the morning, my smart phone weather information have reported on a screen today’s good weather condition around Odawara region. I soon thought, it can swim into the sea!!

There’re many people around edge of water when I arrived at Miyuki beach that the sea bathing doesn’t open yet. They were shooting on a TV drama or a TV movie which was performed at this beach and some of actress and actor were performance front of TV camera as they moving by instruction of a supervisor.
I was searching good places as I avoided their working place and I soon changed to swimsuit…
The sun was a very shining and water isn’t cold. I’m entering the sea at a breath from edge of water.

(Odawara Miyuki beach)

The water was not clear but it’s too comfortable. Some of viewer looked at me. Maybe they thought, “Is he crazy? This beach is very danger for swimming due to deep soon. There’s no swimmer in this water although it’s middle of the summer!!”
Of course, I know. There’re lots of people passed away by drown every year. This Odawara city of beach is deeply soon from edge of water thus there’re too few entering the sea. But I like this beach. Too deeply water is very good for swimming especially for me thus I’ve always swum in this Miyuki beach every now and then.


Grand father

Listen to me especially LEFT wing people, my ground father had already gone but I often heard about war when he lives. He told me that he had belonged Japanese army at WWII. He had appeared a Second Sino-Japanese War (支那事変). He always said, “We didn’t slaughter Chinese at that time. Now I don’t know why we’re said a killer by them (Chinese)?” And he said, “I haven’t heard about a massacre at China by Japanese.”

He could return back to home because he was injured his foot by shot a gun. I remember and I believe his talking because he often showed me his injured place that was shot a gun by that war. If he didn’t shoot a gun, he might not return back to home probably.At that time, Japanese army had fight for their life!! Crazy many thoughtless Chinese said to Japanese army, “They had killed many Chinese after raped.” But these comments don’t have a basis.
For example, Korean’s “comfort-women” and Chinese “Japanese of a massacre” matters are really unable to be found a basis.
If he lives now I’d like to heard many many his experiences more and more!!


Poor people

Mrs.Noriko Hama professor said, a poor people had bought some of stocks due to becoming up prices by Abenomics. But it sudden fall stocks price now. These people have been made a pain by Abenomics. After all, this is Abenomics of essence.
And she added that the monetary easing of Abenomics does not release from deflation state. Abenomics is an only bubble economy. Current falling stock circumstance is an economic bubble burst.
Can a poor people really have bought a stock? I can’t believe this. It’s only four month, how many poor people have bought a stock? Please indicate a numbers.
Next, a poor people who bought stocks are an Abenomics of essence. ME: ”Haaaa---???” Is she really professor?
Therefore current falling stock circumstance is an economic bubble burst.
ME: “Current market price is 1USD is 94JPY. It’s not 1USD is 75JPY.” Has  a poor people really made a pain by this little price down?
I can’t really believe her comment. What do you think about this?



The quantity which drinks alcohol has increased recently. I have to control the quantity of alcohol.
I’m drinking every night after return back to home from work. At first, a can of Shochu alcohol mixed with soda water about 350ml and glass of red wine about 100-200ml is drinking every night.
My wife always said, the quantity have gradually increased please don’t drink it anymore.
Should I have to quit an alcohol for my body? I’m afraid to become illness by many alcohols drinking.

I have questions

According to news information, “Koichi Yasuda said the online right wing people have spoilt Japan.” in this comment, “Online right wings are looking on an enemy for foreigner after the 2002 FIFA world cup of Korea-Japan.” and he add, “all of the online right wings opinion doesn’t have no basis…”

I have questions for his comments.
For example, why online right wings are looking on an enemy for only Korean? Your comment is written For Foreigner. If you are right, online right wings would look on an enemy for all foreigners.
He said, “online right wings thinks, Koreans take an employment by force in Japan.”
But I think, (I was formal employee until 2009 in Japanese major electronics company) Korean workers were few than China and India workers and Korean had soon quit a work. I don’t think that Korean don’t take an employment by force in Japan!!
Koichi Yasuda, have you really known these matters before issue your comment on news information?
I guess that it should refrain from a rash opinion!!


Swap arrangement

I strongly oppose to agree the currency swap arrangement between Japan and Korea. According to Wikipedia, this arrangement is mainly economic support for Korea by Japan. Why we’re supporting them any more although Korea haven’t taught and announce it to their citizens?
Please Japanese government, never agree the currency swap arrangement with Korea as long as they demand us the blackmail.

At first, Korean government should have to announce citizens many Japanese supports for Korea so long time because Korean’s citizens really doesn’t know anything about Japanese supports. I guess, they need to know many embarrassing by no Japanese supports. I really think so!! “No pain, no gain”


UN Committee against Torture

ASAHI newspaper said.
UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) said to Japanese government that Japan tortured Korean victims by denial of a compensation. But I think that there was no comfort-women in Korea!! All of them were only prostitutes. It’s true and there’re many evidences about this!! To begin with, does CAT really announce this like sentence? Is this correct translation?

Even if CAT announce it, CAT doesn’t investigate true history of the comfort-women anything. Because ASAHI newspaper already recognized that the comfort-women history is a lie. This story is made by ASAHI newspaper for a fiction story.
Why Japanese government pay money for Korea again? Please look at them especially self-appointed comfort-women. They were really prostitute without fail. They had got a lot of money by prostitute job. Of course, they selected it themselves.
Now I request them, Hurry-up to remove the bronze statue of comfort-women as fast as possible!! And hurry-up to recognize, “We were only prostitute.”


Bad system in Japan

Japan should have to remove the system which Japanese name distributes Koreans in Japan immediately.
These many spoofing Japanese commits a crime in Japan. The trouble is that they’re doing anti-Japanese action in Japan.
We have to forbid the system of Japanese name distribution as fast as possible in order to defense ourselves.
To begin with this system is discrimination to foreigner except Korean!! We have to remove this discrimination of system for peaceful.